Saturday, March 13, 2010

What is the difference between custom decals and a complete custom paint job on a car?

What is the difference? PLease explain.

What is the price difference?

How long do decals last?What is the difference between custom decals and a complete custom paint job on a car?
decals are typically vinyl stickers that are put on the car, paint is well painted.What is the difference between custom decals and a complete custom paint job on a car?
Decals=company stickers

Vinyls=larger sheets of stickers

Vinyls will give a custom paint job look. And when you get tired of the look you can just peel it off and put a new one on. You can spend probably up to $1000 on livery but that's considered ';ricey'; if it doesn't really go with the car. Same goes for decals. Personally, if I don't earn money from the company, their sticker doesn't go on my car. They can last for up to 5 years on a daily driver before they start looking like crap

Custom paint jobs are expensive. A high quality job that will last and is done properly will cost a minimum of $2000 from a professional shop. However, it will look way better and last the life of the vehicle.

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