Saturday, March 13, 2010

How do I know which colour paint should I use for my bathroom?

I have had my bathroom pale aqua green for 10 yrs, the colour was chosen to ease my stress levels. I have been wondering if the colour aqua-green may have confused my vision when I apply make-up on, whether it was too much or the tones didn't blend properly. Do you think pale blue will be better, since I love dolphins and tried to find the right shower curtain with dolphins including a nice shade of blue (preferrably pale bluish) Landlords are picky. Another note, I am willing to try for a different colour--pale beige, pale tan??

I did not know whether this question can benefit in answers in here or in Beauty, well it's got my bathroom colour to paint, and the tone of my makeup.... HELP!

Suggestions pls %26amp; Thanks!How do I know which colour paint should I use for my bathroom?
Hi Quin

That is a really great question and I feel much better now knowing someone else has asked it! I too noticed my makeup would be ';off'; after putting it on in my bathroom (mine was painted a pale blue) so I finally re-painted it.

I went with a very pale rosy peach, only on a very bright day could you tell it was ';pinkish'; unless you looked at the light switches or the base boards. All of these were white. It sets up a very nice glow in the bathroom, doesn't interfere with the colors in your make up and is easily matchable to any decor you may want to do. Mine is done in an old fashioned almost victorian look but the color makes it easy to do anything with!

Best of luck and have some fun with it!How do I know which colour paint should I use for my bathroom?
I did one of my bathrooms in blue,yellow and white wallpaper and decorated it with seashells, a lighthouse statue, a picture of the ocean and made it a beach bathroom...since you like dolphins, you could probably do this also.
I have had many differently colored bathrooms and I have found the best color is white. You can then put up some low voltage full spectrum lights and the white will be so reflective, you'll get the most natural accurate light for dolling up your face in. It will also match nicely any existing fixtures, or tiles, is landlord friendly, and will bring out the colors in your dolphin accents.
anything but aqua green
  • sunscreen
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