Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Is there a way to remove spray paint from a paved surface?

I have basketball lines spray painted on my drive way (asphalt) and its been there for a few years now. I just now decided to check the mesurments and found out they are wrong. Is there a way to remove it?Is there a way to remove spray paint from a paved surface?
yes, but maybe notIs there a way to remove spray paint from a paved surface?
Paint over them in black and repaint, Jasco paint remover, or you can rent a sand blaster.
get a weed torch and burn it off that is the same way that the city people remove there paint
Go to your local hardware store and look in the paint section for Oops or Goof Off.These removers will take off any paint,adhesive,or tar products.
You could power wash it or sealcote the drive way to cover them up.
YUP.. thinner or paint remover or kerosene gas.
According to consumer reports you can remove paint from hard surfaces by using liquid detergent straight out of the bottle and scrub.I don't know how that would do on a few years old paint. But I think you should go to home depot and rent a power washer, and that will definitely do it, and any other part of the house outside, if you need to.
With the surface being asphalt the cleaners mentioned would make a bigger mess.

If the surface has been there for a few years, putting a new asphalt seal coat on top wouldn't hurt. Would make the surface look new, seals cracks and covers paint. Its not very expensive to do, its easy and will help the drive last longer.

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